Monday, February 15, 2010

Anorexia Pictures Celebrities Is There Something Wrong With Me?

Is there something wrong with me? - anorexia pictures celebrities

I am 17 years old, and my life have I been fighting anorexia and depression.
Possessive case began with my feeling some adults, who were always 1 at a time. Two of them were personalities, the other two that I know. Possessiveness that lasted up to two years, I feel jealous when I see pictures of an adult with someone, I am angry and want to harm them.

I am on the fourth of adults and tearing me up inside. I want to hurt anybody, but it does not hurt to have an adult himself.
should get help? or is it that all young people experience?
I really appreciate your help.


x angela x said...

This is not a "normal" feeling that most of us do, I recommend getting help with this, I am 17 and I've never felt possessive about the other an adult. Remember that support for you and you deserve it, do not feel ashamed, and I'm sure there are others who have felt like before. Good luck an I hope to overcome these feelings x

Oh, and encourage you, the library or go online self-help book in the feelings of ownership and / or jealousy for you to understand your feelings and learn to help themselves experts =) And as SLF Hypnosis CDs amazing. Good luck again!

Frankie3... said...

Yes, I get help, because these feelings are normal, will be confronted by all means. Good luck

werewulf said...


pinkestp... said...

When I was about 14, I was confused when I thought I was in love with a girl 3 years older than me. I look at them and think about it. I was afraid she was a lesbian or anything, although he had never known. It took about 9 months, I suppose. In hindsight, I know it was just sheer admiration, which was to dance beautiful, intelligent and good. I've never been an obsession.
I do not want to disturb you, but I think his behavior and emotions are extreme. I think you should go to your doctor and get professional help.
They have a history of anorexia and depression seems that if you have a problem with the controller.
Talk and get help.
Take care xx

SilentDo... said...

Everyone goes through life with problems. Recognizing that this is the first step towards a solution. Here are some words of wisdom that can help.

THE best things in life THINGS AREN `T
Tell The Truth - there's less to remember.
Speak softly and use a CD FORT.
OBJECTIVES are misleading - the arrow UNAIM never lose.
He dies with the most toys - this still.
AGE is relative - if you `re on the hill, picking SPEED.
There are two possibilities TO BE RICH - more or less envy.
Inner Beauty - seems to mean nothing.
No rain - NO rainbow.

Ten rules for success

1. Find your special talent.
2. His case.
3. Be honest
4. Living with Enthusiam.
5. Let your property they possess.
6. Do not worry about your problem.
7. Advise people, if you can --- to anyone.
8. Term is not the past.
9. Assume their share of responsibility in the world.
10. Striving to be happy.

Please always read again, until he starts something positive Good luck.

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