Friday, January 29, 2010

Anxiety And Depression More Condition_symptoms Is Depression And Anxiety More Common These Days?

Is depression and anxiety more common these days? - anxiety and depression more condition_symptoms

Or ... are simply easier to diagnose and treat?

If these conditions are more common than you think were the reasons?


justice_... said...

I think it is a combination of both. First, I think it is easier to diagnose - and not a man is tired and weary, suffering from depression, people are not just nervous that the fear. Secondly, I believe it is common because the competition in the United States is in particular. I think here in the American people through our culture of working standards, which go beyond what people should be functional - forced 80 weeks + hours of work are people rarely taken vacation, etc. I believe that these standards can lead to depression and anxiety are distinct. Of course, people who could help to more than before in these conditions.

mrkittyp... said...

People are more aware and also more frequently prescribed medication for anxiety and depression natural light (as if you have lost) a loved one. Of course it is sad when something bad happens, but for people who feel depressed all the time, they are the ones who need help, such as anxiety.

AJ said...

I think that depression and anxiety affect one side of the art.
For a long time to think ... Not enough physical activity.

I had depression once, then the work began on a farm.
Improved in the first months of my depression by 90% .. probably because I did not sit well think about things and chasing my forehead, do things. Jobs around the yard into the end of a day's work, the better I felt.

I can imagine that life was much more physical in the old days. Only in the last 100 years that humankind has spent a tremendous amount of time to think only about things. The technology has so easy for us as we pay now.

t4dlamai said...


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Dottie said...

If the doctor does not know what the problem is to tell the depressed that you're on Prozac or other pill we have nothing to do but get in and sad because we are nothing, not like the old days, who never had time to to do things. Every body I know is something that will sleep and we go into the society in the long run the emotions are free, but we will happily keep.

Katie said...

I think his "Theres more anxiety and depression, and doctors know more about the disease.

I think it is more widespread because there is now a particularly stressful time crying with the bad economy, wars and everything.

Moth said...

Yes it is. We live in a society where basic needs are met, it's fast, materialistic, we have many opportunities and we are hungry for spiritual life is very complex and far, through experience, they of depression and anxiety.

rachel g said...

good, "said Katie

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