Friday, January 8, 2010

Carisoprodol Tablet Is It Safe To Mix Carisoprodol With Hydrocodone?

Is it safe to mix Carisoprodol with Hydrocodone? - carisoprodol tablet

Carisoprodol is a muscle relaxant, and I think that says it is a take every night before bed. And hydrocodone is to take 1 to 2 tablets every 4 to 6 hours of need. Both were prescribed by different doctors .. I take both together?


Mandy VZ said...

Yes, I have to take both the symptoms of TMJ. Taken together, they can cause drowsiness, but the soma was bedtime anyway, should not be a problem for you.

Rachel said...

Proceed carefully, and ask a doctor immediately. There are some places that may be referred to these questions 24 / 7 open and free.

Jennifer said...

You are sure to mix, but I you would your pharmacist first call to ensure that the dose for each is in order. Together prescribed all the time.

eloquent said...

ask your doctor and pharmacist.

witchhaz... said...

pharm call the best thing we can say

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