Friday, January 15, 2010

Vegetarian Christmas Menu Vegetarian Options For Christmas Dinner?

Vegetarian Options for Christmas Dinner? - vegetarian christmas menu

I am currently living with a college roommate, and this year we are hosting a small Christmas dinner, a gift for friends. It is only 6 or 7 of us and we'll have a ham (like most people of Turkey will be at home) and supported by traditional (potatoes, beets, carrots, stuffing, but ... I know your love of ham and stuffing. . etc.) .. One of the girls that we invited to a vegetarian. (He will eat eggs, milk, etc., but no meat or fish) .. He eats everything except ham and stuffing. What can we do as a plate with his employees to eat, so they can have large one and another?
The problem is that we have just enough for one person, such as the ham was just $ 10 or less, I do not want to spend a fortune on a person (do not know how much these things cost), but we do not want the on your own or bring appetizers to eat.
No idea what to do with it?
(Also, my roommate is a chef, so you almost anything you can do, but I have to go with the menu .. We have Lfourth in Canada and some things that are easily available in Europe or the United States impossible, can be found here)


wenk said...

All good ideas, and if you take the stuffing, you can vegetable broth as the liquid iste chicken or beef. There's a bird, it's vegetarian. If you use the stove, I can be a vegetarian too!

MS said...

Get her some Chik-Nuggets N, nuclear and those who go for them. (See link).

Otherwise, Christmas is a lasagna, but it is vegetarian. Loaded with vegetables instead of meat (like all the time, is very tasty). It can serve a bowl and add an entry.

Your friend is likely to serve what is available to adapt. I tend to prefer the crew of the festival, and later in the meat sandwiches.

kate w said...

You can always to a kind of pasta Alfredo.
Find out whether you tofu or what is also mentioned again, using the so add a little of that can eat. In addition, eating some of his friends also probabally noodles, but they are useless.

Jo M said...


Samson said...


skater chica said...


skater chica said...


skater chica said...


fufufnik said...

Since your roommate is a chef, here an idea:
Fried tempeh steak.
A package of tempeh (in most shops that specialize in both healthy meal or a section of natural products.
Marinate tempeh 2c. Cider, 2T. Tamari, 2 tablespoons of tea. Mustard, 2 cloves garlic (crushed), 1 piece fresh ginger, sliced raw in slices.
Put in a saucepan to cover the tempeh and bake at 350 degrees 45 minutes.
Once they cooled, top with egg (optional) and breadcrumbs and fry until golden brown, it could boiled, fried, but tastes better).

Lizzy said...

Ive had the same problem. One of my daughters was a vegetarian for years (thank God he finally regained consciousness:))

Ego or to make a vegetarian lasagna for her. I'm in Canada, so I think there are some very good frozen. President's Choice Blue Label is really good, and some others. You can buy a small, but very good, and most non-vegetarians will like it, then it is better to buy (or make) more, so that others try it. Thus, the usual vegetarian uncomfortable is not the only meat-eaters.

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