Thursday, January 21, 2010

Zodiac Ascendant Which Is The Best & Worst Zodiac Sign, Ascendant, And Nakshatra?

Which is the best & worst zodiac sign, ascendant, and nakshatra? - zodiac ascendant

I would like your opinion on this and not good and evil in their own way (I know, there is some truth, but what is) your thoughts
Write your answer in the same order that I wrote
I think
Capricorn (sign of the best), Capricorn (above), and there are To, Rohini, Shravana, Shatabisha and Visakha and the fact (Best Nakshatra)
Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Chitra, Ardra, Mula, Purvashada, Dhanishtha, Revati


Meroving... said...

Gemini - the best sign of the zodiac.

YoungNin... said...


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